Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Character VS Looks

As the tittle already says..Character VS Looks. when looking for another partner in your relationship, would you go for character or go for looks. as most people will say they will go for character rather then looks, i think this is TOTALLY BULLSHIT. don't tell me when you looking for another partner you don't go for looks first..maybe out of 100 people maybe 1 of them will really go for character rather then looks ba. so next time if people were to ask you this question again...please answer them honestly...DON'T BULLSHIT

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Night Shopping!!

Omg yesterday went out for super late night shopping..i think can say midnight shopping ba...hahah and the shopping center was like full of things i wonder how do they do stock take...i think the staff there will die on the spot when they see the mess done by customers. at first shopping was normal just then when we were about to leave we pass by the level where sell lots of watches i thought was normal so just continue to walk until i saw these watches that catches my eye..
I cant decide which design is nice..haha and they are selling like $172 i think...hahah though abit expensive but its so tempting to buy when goverment gives you extra money to spent...hahaha i think shall not buy first until i have extra cash ba..haha

Finally came to this RADO watch looks kinda simple and about the same with those 2 watches above..BUT it cost $2K to buy this watch..OMG i think i can buy even better things then this watch..but it is super nice..the feeling is very different when u wear it on..you have the rich person look..hahaha and the sales person give the -_- look when i wan to take a look then after i finish he faster take go clean..as if i got virus like tat...haha i know need to keep clean la also have to wait customers to go le then clean ma...this whole week just slack at home only...haha gtg bye

Sunday, April 13, 2008


Finally 3 years of poly life and ended...just recieve letter from school to go back for a a graduation ceremony on 28 May..haha..and after graduation means NS..-_- super sian hahaha
haven been blogging for 2 weeks and there is so much things to blog just that always no time..haha firstly was the Annual Speech Day parade was a great success every single one perform very well. then after that we have a post speech day activity which was the BBQ..this is to reward all trainers for all their hardwork. hmm too bad i do not have all the pictures. only manage to get one of it...haha.wait till i have it all then i will blog and post all those pictures again ba..haha shall stop here

Tuesday, April 1, 2008


1st April is where people start to play prank jokes on other people...haha but sometime playing prank joke can lead to serious matters..haha today receive quite a number of weird SMS...haha then i first think to think of is April fool...lol...today working was just like normal days one word to describe " BORING" haha everyday stone there doing nothing...then today saw calculater super unique "Hello Kittie" at one of my dealer's desk...haha wonder where can find this type sia..and even worst i saw another dealer take a hello kittie bag...haha don't have the chance to take picture of it...haha ok shall stop here shall update soon again if i have the time...